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Articles Tagged with

Live Streaming Singapore

Live Streaming

Virtual Set Design Singapore, by Anomalyst Studio

Having a virtual set raises the production quality of your virtual event live stream production. The creation of virtual set is an elaborate process. In this article, we will take a look at some of the best virtual sets in Singapore and the benefits they can bring to your production. And we will be sharing some of the works created by Anomalyst Studio for virtual events, video production and physical performance theatres in Singapore.

Live Streaming, Vivid Snaps Academy

How To Create A Looping PowerPoint Slide For Live Streams

A waiting screen for your live streaming production is necessary. Your live stream attendees are expected to join your live stream earlier than the actual start time. During the waiting time, we typically display a waiting screen. This can take the form of a pre-produced video with a countdown timer overlay. For a simpler live stream production, you could run a photo slideshow with background music.

Live Streaming, Tech, Vivid Snaps

Review On The Birddog Flex 4K Backpack

Our live streaming team at Vivid Snaps has been using the NDI workflow for a while now. We have recently discovered the Birddog Flex 4K Backpack, which is not too popular in Singapore yet. Hence, we subject the device to some tests and share our results in this blog article.

We’ve tested this NDI encoder with our cameras and other live streaming equipment. Hence today, we will give you a detailed review of its functions and efficiency.

Read our experience with this device in this article.

Hybrid Events, Live Streaming, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

Virtual & Hybrid Event Management Companies in Singapore

Virtual Event Management Companies, are also known as Virtual Event Organisers in Singapore. And in recent months, you may also come across virtual events being described as Digital Event Management.

As the pandemic continues to plague Singapore, people are advised to stay indoors amidst safe distancing measures. A virtual and hybrid event will have to replace physical events as we fight against the virus. 

These circumstances have forced event management companies to change and adapt. Event management companies leveraged their expertise in physical event management, and pivoted to focus on virtual and hybrid events.

Event management companies understand the objective and flow of your events, always striving to provide your event guests the best possible experience, even virtually.

In this article, we will be compiling a list of virtual and hybrid event management companies in Singapore. We will also feature a short introduction of some prominent event management companies and virtual event organisers. Giving you a good overview of the the professional event services that they offer. 

Read on to learn more

Corporate Video Production Singapore, Corporate Videographer Singapore, Corporate Videography, Creative Video Production, Hybrid Event Singapore, Hybrid Events, Singapore, Video Production, Video Production Singapore, Videographer Singapore, Videography

Fireside Chat Video Production in Singapore

Whether you are organising an industry conference or a company meeting, fireside chat video production is a great way of adding an interactive element to your event. In this article, we will list the benefits of fireside chats and walk you through the execution of one.

Live Streaming, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

E-commerce Live Streams in Singapore

This article was originally published on July 2020 and updated with new content on May 2021.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, e-commerce live stream has seen a huge boom in popularity as many businesses have had to move online. While China may have been at the forefront of this e-commerce live streaming trend, e-commerce businesses in Singapore and Southeast Asia have also been joining the live streaming trend to boost their sales revenue.

Read on to find out more about how your e-commerce business can benefit from hosting your own e-commerce live stream.

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