Music video production is a key part of music production. It allows the audience to not only listen, but also see the creative vision of the songwriter.
The visual impact of a music video can be as impactful as the music produced and works as a great marketing tool. Music videos have the ability to tell a story and create a memorable visual experience within the viewer, connecting with them emotionally.
There are so many ways to film a music video. It could be a story-based video, or it could be a dance video. It could even be an animated graphics video, but what makes a good music video stand out is whether it builds onto the meaning of the music.
At Vivid Media, our video production crew has filmed a couple of music videos for schools, and we will be delighted to get in touch and explore what we can do for you. Contact us via the message box at the side of the page and we will get back to you.
For now, we have complied a comprehensive list of local music videos we have found online. Read on to learn more.
The Purpose of Music Video Production
In this Covid-19 era, everyone is bringing their lives online as they are often staying at home. What better ways are there to convey messages to your audiences than through videos?
With that being said, people are often looking for entertainment at home nowadays. Hence, companies should take the opportunity to convey messages to their audience and communities. This can be done through entertaining methods, such as music videos.
According to a National Arts Council survey, 6 in 10 Singaporeans listen to music daily; with 2 in 3 Singaporeans proud of homegrown music and musicians.
This is why the government and companies have taken this opportunity to connect with their target audiences through music videos.
Music Video Production by Vivid Media
We share a few references of music video production shot & edited by our team, before we go on to share many other excellent samples from Singapore.
University Graduation Music Video Production
Hougang Primary School 20th Anniversary Video
This music video was produced by us, and features Gwendolyn Lee, the singer of this song. Throughout the video, she eventures around the school to look for puzzle pieces which ultimately forms the logo of Hougang Primary School.
We have already written an article on Hougang Primary’s Music Video, where we go in-depth to analyse this music video. There is also a highlight-reel for the schools 20th anniversary celebration, do feel free to check it out.
Metta School Music Video & Dance Performance
Metta School offers education to students with mild intellectual disability and autism aged between 7 and 21 years old. Their dance team, “Metta Hot Steppers”, performed a special dance performance featuring ABBA’s Mamma Mia and Mika’s Love Today as part of this year’s Community Chest Vertical Marathon.
The performance music video features 16 talented dancers ranging in age from 15 to 16. These students have put in many hours of practice with their dance instructor in order to bring out the best in them during the performance.
Since most of the students aren’t professional dancers and/or have support needs, repeated takes are difficult for them. We need to make sure we get the shots we need quickly.
Despite the difficulties faced by the cew, it gives us great pleasure to have been a part of the video production team and to be able to see the fruits of their labor. We hope you enjoy the dance performance and that it brings you as much joy as it did for us while we were filming it.
Vivid Media Video Production Team

Our team can provide cost-effective music video production packages for corporate customers, government agencies and institutions. To explore your video production requirements with us. Drop us an email to schedule a meeting or a request a preliminary quotation.
Government Music Video Production
We have also collated a series of amazing music videos produced by other video production houses in Singapore.
Singapore Be Steady by Phua Chu Kang
In this music video produced by and SG United, we see Singapore’s beloved local character Phua Chu Kang dancing and singing about how the country can stay safe and aware during this time of crisis.
The video features a lot of animation and greenscreen filming, which is clean and shows the video is professionally produced. The music video is colorful and does not feature a specific colour palette, which is definitely eye-catching.
The use of coloured lights during the dance scene brings an energetic vibe to the video, conveying to Singaporeans that we should continue to stay alert during this period of time.
Steady Pom Pi Pi by Phua Chu Kang
As a continuation to the music video featured above, this music video is to encourage citizen to get vaccinated and clear up misconceptions surrounding vaccination.
This time round, the music video is not as colourful and contains lesser CGI. Instead, it has real physical film sets, thus making it a cleaner and simpler video to consume.
This could be attributed to the fact that the video targets the older generation who may be skeptical of vaccines, hence making the video more tailored to their liking.
The Light by Mediacorp
In an effort to encourage Singaporeans to stay strong and keep fighting against the pandemic, Mediacorp released a music video featuring their Mediacorp artiste.
The shots within the music video are simple. It starts off with the singers in the audio recording studios singing with a cinematic lighting set-up that lights up the singers within the dark room.
In the middle of video, they cut multiple times to a photo montage of the community and front-liners all working together to combat the virus. They end the video with various celebrities saying “stay united” in their own languages, expressing that the community stands together.
Our Family, Our Strength, Our Joy by SCDF
Although not completely a music video, this video by SCDF is a short film in lieu of Hari Raya. There are constant instrumentals playing in the background, with the lyrics coming in half-way through the video.
This short cinematic film shows how civil servants sometimes need to sacrifice their time with their loved ones. Sometimes, it also means putting their lives at risk even during festive holidays.
The video is professionally shot with beautiful compositions, as seen with most shots abiding to the rule of thirds. They also made used of bokeh, which brings a lot of background blur into the video, adding an emotional touch.
Standing in Unity by SCDF
This video, nearing 16 minutes long, contains a series of 3 songs where each song tells a different story.
The first song follows one of the firefighters, where he sings about his feelings while in this job. Meanwhile, the video recounts the major incidences and exercises that they have solved and executed.
The second song and third song features mostly the achievements and advances that SCDF has made over the years.
The video has very interesting shots. The main footage is a third-person view of the main singers and characters, lip syncing to the music as they go about their usual day. There are also actual first-person footage of civil servant’s bodycam as they fight fires and execute missions.
This video brings viewers through the journey of a civil servant, putting them in their shoes and truly conveys the importance to appreciate civil servants in Sinagpore.
We Will Get There by The Home Team
This video by the Ministry of Home Affairs features MHA officers singing our National Day song We Will Get There. The shots are simple and handheld, giving it a personal touch. There is also an emotion factor as they sing to bring awareness and support our personnel that have been working on the frontline,
Incorporated into the video are the steps the government has taken to help with the fight against the coronavirus, and their quick responses to all emergencies.
Onward Singapore by
This unique video by the Singapore government features a re-composed version of our beloved national anthem “Majulah Singapura”. It brings a more melancholic and mellow, yet hopeful vibe to our originally energetic and strong anthem.
The video is mostly filmed in dark lighting, to show the effects the pandemic has brought to our society. These dark landscapes, however, are lit up by Projection Mapping which plays videos on buildings all around Singapore.
These are videos of people staying united and strong within their homes, as well as our front-liners working hard to protect the citizens of Singapore from this rampant virus.
This brings symbolism to the video, that it is the spirit of our people that bring light to our society.
Remote Sing-a-long Music Video in Singapore
A creative parody of Singapore’s National Day song Count On Me, the music video features singers all around the island to sing together from their homes, recorded on their webcams.
This is one of the videos we will showcase today that feature remote filming elements. This method has become the standard way for people to do video production and hold webinars in this pandemic.
The video is simple, but heartwarming nonetheless. Seeing people come together and sing despite not being able to be with one another is a beautiful thing.
Corporate Music Video Production
With reference and adding on to our previous article on corporate music video production, we’ve come up with a more updated list of music videos. These videos are all done locally, which will be more relevant to our readers.
Shopee 9.9 Sale Music Video
Another video featuring Phua Chu Kang, our beloved Singaporean character, he’s singing and dancing along to a tune and promoting a sale for a Singaporean e-commerce brand Shopee.
The video is mostly filmed in a greenscreen studio set, with simple graphics that promotes the sale they are having. The tune of the music is also catchy, bound to grab the attention of their viewers.
Shopee 4.4 Shopping Day Music Video
In this other short music video by Shopee, they are using actual film sets, although some shots are still using greenscren to add in effects to the video.
Although the video may not be a captivating without Phua Chu Kang dancing and singing, it still has its own strengths,
The overall video feels more polished, as the characters are keyed cleanly away from the backdrop. The physical film sets also allow for better lighting control, which gives the video a more professional look.
Shopee 6.6 Great Shopping Sale Music Video
We have another Shopee music video featuring another one of Singapore’s favourite celebrity Mark Lee.
This time round, they have a physical location with a private swimming pool. The camera movement is smooth and the editing fits the catchy tune and dance in the video.
In the final scene, we see that there are actually reflections from the surface of the water that lights up the set, which is a clever use of the surroundings.
LazMall Brand Fiesta featuring AbangSapau
Although not a complete music video, the most part of this short clip features Abang Sapau, a local rapper, rapping in a catchy beat. The lyrics of this short rap break talks about the features of Lazada’s LazMall and its benefits.
The video production looks clean and overall professional, with interesting editing moments. For example at 0:15 where they piece two clips together, splitting horizontally in the middle showing Abang Sapau putting the blender machine back together.
In the first scene, the lighting is also interesting, as you can see light rays leaking in to bring a “spotlight” effect that does not actually affect the subject’s lighting.
Shopback Pays Me To Shop by Kumar ft. Kevin Tristan
Shopback’s music video features Kumar and Kevin Tristan, singing and talking about how the app pays you to shop due to cashback.
The video is filled with dancing scenes and they have professionally built film sets for the video, which makes the video feel expensive and grand.
The shots in the video are a mix of cinematic scenes of the two characters having a conversation, which quickly transitions to dance scenes that are more dynamic with smooth and fast camera movements.
The overall lighting of the video is done extremely well, through the use of coloured LEDs and minimal lighting. This ensures that details in the video are not lost and blown out, keeping a lot of the details within the background.
Auntie Knows The Real Deals by foodpanda
This video by foodpanda features a short rap verse by “auntie”. She goes to a typical Singaporean family and tells them to spend money properly, because she “knows better than you”.
The lighting in the video is probably the highlight of the video. The moment “auntie” starts rapping, the set lighting goes from normal to a dark setting lit up by LEDs of various colours to fit the mood.
It’s a simple video, but it was produced well and straight to the point, which makes it effective in conveying their message.
School Music Video Production
This section adds on to our previous article where we talked about school music video production. We’ve added more music videos than just the one video we have produced, so that there is a wider variety to reference from.
You Are the Reason by Ms. Sylvia Wong
This is one of the few videos in this list that features remote filming elements. In fact, the entire video is sang by students, who are remotely filming themselves from home.
The video is simple, with footage of students from different schools and education levels, singing to thank their teachers for their hardwork during this pandemic. It is impressive that vocals recorded separately are pieced together perfectly, and sounds exactly like how a live choir ensemble would sound.
The editing of the video is basic, with timely transitions to b-roll shots of teachers working hard during the pandemic. However, the main focus of this video is definitely the vocals of the students.
Be the Light by Lianhua Primary School
The premise of this video is very similar to the previous video. The difference, being this song is dedicated for National Day 2020.
The editing and style of the video is similar, and overall another example of a well executed remote filming project.
Singapore, Unite as One by Jacob Neo and Fairfield Methodist School
Another song produced by primary school students, this song conveys the importance for Singaporeans to play their role and stay together as one people wihtin this pandemic.
This music video feels professional due to the superb acting by the main singer, as well as the clean shots by the cameraman, seemingly filmed on a gimbal.
The videographer made use of a low aperture lens to create a bokeh that separates the subjects from the background, which brings a cinematic feel to the video. The editing is also intuitive, cutting from one moving shot to another shot moving in the same direction.
Images were used well in the video, through a slow zoom that did not contrast too much from the video clips.
Entertainment Music Videos
Smile Again (露出笑臉) by SingPop’s various artists
For entertainment music videos, i’ve included this one video as it conveys the creative message of how people’s smiles are covered under their masks.
However, we will soon be able to smile together again as long as we stay responsible and aware of safe distancing measures.
The colour grading of this video gives the video a nostalgic vibe, paired with footage of people doing normal daily tasks in their masks, bringing an emotional feeling.
The video ends with the various characters standing alone in the middle of the frame, taking off their masks as we cut to them, showing us their smiles. This symbolises the end of the pandemic, which was a creative touch.
Professional Video Production Company For Your Music Video

At Vivid Media, our team is competent in small to medium scale music video productions for corporate and organisational clients. We offer many different types of corporate videography solutions to our clients, with music video production being one of the many.
We welcome you to contact us and we wish to see how we can help your company produce professional videos that meets your organisational objectives and requirements.
Get a Music Video Price Quotation
Some projects are straight-forward while others can be complex, drop us a message with your project requirements. Our project coordinator will get in touch with you to provide a price quotation.