Marketing videos help to introduce your products and services to the audience. This helps to increase social engagement with more people and potentially increase the chances of garnering more consumers. Many companies have since conceptualised their own videos to stylize them according to their own mottos while effectively promoting their products and services. Marketing videos do not have to be boring, you can do what you like with it
We can take different approaches to producing a marketing video through animation, highlight videos, narrative and also commercials. Essentially the nature of the video is decided by you after considering which option is the best to promote your products and services best. Next, how to enhance your videos? These can be done through storytelling, cameraworks, music, editing and colour grading.
Note: Some content in this article may be enhanced or paraphrased by using AI writer software.
The Vivid Snaps Team

Our team consists of media professional with expertise in video production from pre to post. Consisting of videographers, video editors, director, project coordinators and graphic designer. Our portfolio is focused on corporate clients. And our works ranges from internal communication videos, brand story videos, virtual & hybrid events and corporate photography.
Green Screen Studio for Corporate Filming

Our office houses a small green screen studio, suitable for filming of up to 2 on-screen talents. This is exclusively reserved for our clients, so to provide high availability and convenience when engaging our video production services.
For more reference photos of our green screen studio, please visit our Green Screen Studio Singapore blog post.
Storytelling in Marketing Videos
Storytelling is a brilliant way of selling your services and products as consumers are not under the impression of the video being a marketing video and skip it. As humans connect through stories and shared experiences, we are able to resonate with the emotions shared in the video. Not only does this method help the viewers remember this video, it taps on the companies’ goal of reaching a wider audience that could potentially interest more people in their products and services.
Please Note: Some videos referenced in this blog article are not produced by Vivid Snaps. The following videos are sourced from publicly available websites, such as YouTube.
Insurance, Short Story Video Production
Director: Jackson Ho | Producer: Ledon Lim | Cinematographer: Melvin Mak | Video Editor: Gwendolyn Koh | Crew: Ambrose, Kasper, Felicia, Yun Tong, Le Xuan, Jasmine, Amirah, Lennard, Clarence, Melissa, Charli
This marketing video helps to shed light on how with the support of AIA, this family would be able to live life as per normal when unforeseen circumstances arise. This story shares about a father who lost his sight while working hard to support his family. With his eyes impaired, he is unable to work. This story allows us to empathise with the father and his family and lets us remember the importance of having adequate protection. Hence, increasing exposure to various age groups which can help introduce AIA’s services to more people in need.
Community Marketing Video
We first hear the background music as the video plays, aurally enticing the audience. Set in a supermarket, a kind samaritan purchases a cake for the customer in front of him which happens to be a grandma with her grandchildren. The moral of the story is to treat people with kindness and that your good deeds will be accounted for.
In storytelling, we are often reminded to show and not tell, allowing the audience to dissect the intentions behind each act as it plays out. Once again, this heartwarming story captures the attention of the viewers which forms a link from this video to the organisation.
Community Chest Singapore is a government supported initiative that aims to encourage volunteerism. As the video reinforces giving back to the community, this could motivate more people to be part of Community Chest which benefits both the organisation and the newcomers.
Workforce Marketing Video
The video introduces us to our main character as we were given a walkthrough of his life from young. The timeline effectively conveys that with tenacity and passion, we will get to where we want to eventually. To be optimistic and patient even if the situation does not follow your conventional route. The main character only managed to put on a uniform later than his peers as he was an engineer and businessman for a period of time.
This story gives us the audience some comfort when we meet some setbacks along the way of achieving our dreams by giving us hope when things do not go as planned. This story could inspire many and provide an alternative for people who want to change industries. Hence, the motive of this video encourages us to not be afraid to dream and keep trying to find what is suitable for our own career decision.
Telecom Marketing Video
Throughout the whole video, it depicts a docudrama on Singtel and another brand’s network provider. We can see that through the script and colours of the respective families attire and car. The script mentioned things like “5G”, “Wi-Fi” and “download speed” etc to suggest the company or service provider behind this video. Taking on a more direct approach, Singtel markets its services by highlighting which areas of their broad band are better as compared to other service providers.
Camera Work in Marketing Videos
Deciding how to convey certain moods and messages to the audience can also be presented through well-thought out cameraworks. Close ups to highlight certain details or expressions for the audience to pay attention to. Tracking shots to have the audience follow through what is going on the screen as if bound by an invisible thread. Handheld shots to create a nervous feeling or even give it a raw unfiltered feel to the overall mood of the video.
Moreover, camera work can also manipulate time and space. By compressing and expanding a moment to improve the pacing and rhythm of the video. Some of the techniques include slow motion, time lapse and montage sequence could convey the passing of time, emphasise important events or even create a sense of urgency and anticipation for what would happen next.
Tourism Marketing Video
The Singapore Tourism Board took the approach of using a drone to capture a wider view at a higher angle to emulate an aeroplane gliding from the different hot spots in Singapore easily. I thought this would give the audience a more whole view of what to expect when visiting Singapore.
Some dolly shots were also used to bring the audience closer to what we introduce to them. This method is a technique called “lean in” method but digital, this could visually suck the audience into the video engaging them thoroughly throughout the video. As observed from this video, it is heavily reliant on its stylistic shots as compared to being dialogue heavy that could bore the audience. This way is straightforward and captivating for the audience as they are shown what they could expect other than being told.
Utilities Marketing Video
Zooming through the 60 second video, the cinematographer uses a lot of fast zoom in motion techniques to match cut the clips together for a smoother transition. Most if not all of the frames were not static, this not only looks smoother aesthetically but also helps to link each element of the video together nicely story wise. There is also a variety of shot sizes used for this video which gives it good coverage of the ways we can do a part to save water.
Consumer Product Marketing Video
Introducing the new iPhone and its new feature, action mode. The video is presented through a sprint race where the parent holds onto an iPhone 14. The camerawork covers what the iPhone 14 action mode feature has like keeping the video steady despite recording it very shakily. This gives the audience a taste of what they can expect from iPhone 14 which helps to market the product effectively.
Music in Marketing Videos
Another approach to making it more memorable for others is through music. This helps to set the mood and atmosphere of the video and evoke emotions of the audience and intensify the moods of each scene. It also supports the storytelling aspect of the by complementing the narrative by using certain tunes to highlight key points of the video. It is also key to the pacing of the video as it gives you a rhythm to follow through the video which helps maintain viewer engagement by making it more dynamic.
Community Marketing Video
This music video was made with the main message of wasting less and caring for the environment. Not only did this video bring attention to the main message of this video which is to practise caring for the environment, but it also promotes Aisyah Aziz as a singer.
One way to raise awareness about your marketing video is to have a celebrity or artist to promote it. In this case, fans of the singer would be encouraged to pick up the waste less habits. To capture it as a whole, this was done in multiple long takes. This also captivates the audience with how the video transitions and moves along. Hence, this music video production is very well rounded such that every aspect of the production is well done.
Family Marketing Video
We are first introduced to a few individuals masked up before hearing the song “Stand By You” covered by some of our local artistes. “Stand By You” is a song by The Pretenders. This rendition of the song blends well with the moving visuals that portrayed the frontline workers working hard for all of us during the pandemic. To honour these people for working at times in risk of contracting Covid-19. Therefore, increasing exposure of the artists singing in the music video as well as remind us to be appreciative of our frontline workers for their hard work through this music video.
Editing in Marketing Video
Video editing is a tool that could reform your story to convey different objectives. The edit could either enhance your existing story or provide an alternate angle in which the story could unfold. At this stage of video production, your clips are cut nicely to bring out the objective of the story and improve the look of the overall video. Sometimes, motion graphics can be used and this is where it will be done.
Airport Marketing Video
This marketing video for Changi airports centres its marketing video based on a list of things you could find at the airport. With the help of graphics, the video is organised and easy to decipher. The edit also utilises some of the moving shots for a better transition for example at the end when there was a panning shot from the distinguished Rain Vortex in Jewel to another panning shot in the same direction in the clip with the Singapore Flyer. This makes the video edit more seamless yet showcases the variety of facilities available in Changi Airport. The editor also cleverly put together the videos in split screens to feature the facilities in Changi by using templates to section the clips nicely to fit multiple clips on the screen so that the videos would be of an appropriate timeline.
Supermarket & FMCG Marketing Video
The video aims to get personal with the viewers by spotlighting a member from Fairprice and have a more informal topic to market itself. This technique used is called content marketing. By not hard selling their grocery picker services but treating it as a normal introductory video, the chance of having the audience skip this video is lowered as it is interesting. With the help of editing, the graphics help to make the visuals more appealing. It differs from your typical videos, making Ernest look more animated. The graphics also support the narrative which makes it tie together nicely. The edit also has good pacing, varying between quick cuts and montage editing to match the tone of the video. As simple and comical as it looks, the effect of prioritising post production in your marketing videos could help polish the tone and mood of the video you want.
Aesthetic Clinic Marketing Video
The edit effectively showed the process of the 2 treatments that will help with collagen production and improving acne scar textures. Cutting between interviews and some b roll footage, the video has a subject to follow instead of just an overall voiceover over a video. The usage of motion graphics keeps the video organised and are very informative to help the audience visualise the process of each treatment and also the reasoning behind acne skin renewal.
The way this marketing video is edited distinctively showcases the purpose of the video which is to market the aesthetic clinic services. Hence, this serves as a good reference if you are aiming to promote your products through marketing videos.
Colour Grading in Marketing Videos
Colour grading helps even out the tone of the video, making it more visually appealing. As audiences, we judge the video based on what we see first. Should the colours of the video be vibrant, that would leave a lasting impact on the viewer and pay attention to the details in the videos more. This helps create a more immersive experience for the viewer and have them take the video as the director intended.
Furniture Brand Marketing Video
This is a good example of good colour grading in a marketing video. Especially since there are so many scenes with different sets. What keeps it consistent is that all the frames are high contrast and high saturation. This elevates your video’s quality and visual appeal to the audience.
Insurance Marketing Video
In this minute video, we see how the stadium where all of us once had sports day in primary school looks slightly different from what we remembered. That is through the blue hues emitting off the video. The colourist of this video colour graded the video to be tinted blue and more saturated to take after the dreamy effect. At the hospital, the video is colour graded to be higher in contrast, retaining the blue tints to suggest real time and gives off a melancholic mood to the video. This adds to the story of this video by showing the contrast between what kind of hardship the boy went through for the price of training intensively to be the fastest runner. This evokes emotions from the audience to pay more attention to the video and store this in their heads.
There are many aspects of a video production that could help improve the quality and production value of your marketing video. By prioritising a thing or two from this list could greatly impact your business endeavours. Should you wish to have a high quality marketing video, do contact us through email and we would be happy to provide you with a quotation.
Marketing Video Production Team in Singapore

We hope this article has provided quick insights in media production. Our team is ready to work with you. Leverage on our combined expertise for your media production. Our core expertise are in the following fields:
- Creative video production
- Corporate video production
- Live streaming for virtual & hybrid events
- Corporate photography
- Event photography & videography
For a profile of our team, visit About us to learn more.
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Some projects are straight-forward while others can be complex, drop us a message with your project requirements. Our project coordinator will get in touch with you to provide a price quotation.