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Corporate Photo Shoot

Professional corporate photography


What is a Corporate Photo Shoot?

Corporate photography encompasses professional services designed to meet the unique needs of businesses and organizations. This typically includes executive portraits, team photos, office environments, and company events. The resulting images are used for marketing materials, websites, social media, and internal communications to convey professionalism and credibility.

A tailored corporate photoshoot reflects the company’s identity and values, capturing key personnel, workplace dynamics, or significant events like conferences and product launches. These high-quality visuals enhance a company’s image and help it stand out in the market, supporting branding efforts and strengthening its professional presence.

We help businesses create custom stock photo assets that align to your business needs, including corporate group photos, portraits, and on-the-job images. The images that we craft complements your existing library of corporate stock photo assets with new and relevant customised corporate photos. Our corporate photographer can bring added creative direction to your corporate photo shoot to bring out the best in every scene. Good corporate photography will help you go the extra mile in your business proposals and outreach initiatives.


The Importance of Professional Corporate Photoshoot

For Client Presentation

Make your client presentation more engaging with professional photos of your office & team members.

For Website & Social Media

Connect effectively with your target audience with interesting stock photos of your business.

For Printed Collaterals & Branding

Professional stock photos of your business can help clients understand your company.


Types of Professional Corporate Photoshoot

Our corporate photo shoot in Singapore provides you with professionally taken images that can be used for your company’s website, portfolio, or other documents. With years of experience conducting corporate photo shoots, you can expect professional service from our team. First time hiring a photographer for your corporate photo shoot? Our expert team will walk you through the process.

Our corporate photography services cover different styles of corporate photoshoot for your business. Check with us if you require a unique approach to your corporate photography services.

Listed below are some of the types of corporate photography we have done for our clients.

Our Professional Corporate Photoshoot Services

Sustainability Reporting Photography Singapore

Sustainability Reporting


Corproate stock images for use in your sustainability reporting and special features. These images are shot to deliver impactful impressions. 

Education Institution School and Student Photo Shoot in Singapore

School & Student Photo Shoot

school lab photo shoot

Branding photo shoots for school and educational institution, supporting your communications with students, family members and stakehodlers.

Testimonial & Case Study Photo Shoot in Singapore

Testimonial Photo Shoot


Case study photo shoot helps brands and businesses convey success stories. Boosting credibility and strengthening reputation.

Smiling Faces Portrait Photographer

Smiling Faces


Celebrate employee achievements with staff feature photo. And strenthening employer branding in recruitment campaigns with good images.

On-the-job photo shoot in an outdoor farm

On-the-job Photos


In-action shots help to complete a story, we capture editorial shoots to support businesses in delivering updates of projects and initiatives.

Portrait Photographer Singapore

Personal Commitment


Campaign photo shoots with involvement from employees, customers and stakeholder can help strengthen commitment to a cause.

Architecture & Building Photographer Singapore

Architecture Photography


Commercial building, facade and architecture photography for corporate clients. Showcasing new buildings and new sustainable innovations.

Office Interior Photographer Singapore

Interior Photography


Office interior photography, construction and renovation timelapse for new offices. Showcasing of state-of-the-art features to stakeholders.

Editorial / Journalistic Photos


Photography of critical business function for reporting and business presentations. We capture photos in the right context to tell stories.

Preparing for Your Corporate Photoshoot

  • Grooming and Personal Care

A few days before your corporate photoshoot, go for a haircut or trim, bring your usual hairstyling and make up products for touch ups before or during the photoshoot.

  • Understand the Purpose of the Shoot

Think about the purpose and intended use of the images that will be produced from this shoot. Knowing this context will help you tailor your preparation accordingly.

  • Choose an Attire

Decide the colour you’ll be wearing depending on your chosen background colour. For example, opt for dark shades against white backdrops and avoid clothing with tight repeating patterns to prevent the moiré effect.

  • Practice Posing and Expressions

Experiment with different angles and look for poses that will make you feel comfortable and confident.

  • Arrive Early and Relaxed

Plan to arrive early and allow yourself some time before the shoot to make last-minute adjustments or take a breather. A composed state of mind is helpful for confident photographs. Ensure you have sufficient rest and refrain from eating too salty the night before to prevent bloatedness.  

Choosing the Right Professional Corporate Photography Service for Your Business Needs

  • Define Your Goals and Style Preferences

Clearly outline your photography goals and the style that best represents your brand. Depending on whether you need headshots, product photography, event coverage, or another service, understanding your needs will help you narrow down potential corporate photography companies.

  • Review Portfolio and Expertise

Evaluate the photographer’s portfolio to gauge their proficiency and style, and assess if their expertise aligns with your corporate photoshoot needs.

  • Communication and Collaboration

Communicate with your photographer and ensure that they are open to discussion, understand your vision, and can offer valuable insights to guide your photography.

Professional Corporate Photoshoot Reviews 

This is the second time we have engaged vivid snaps for corporate photography and video services. The team is passionate and provided great insights in ensuring the photo and video shoot process was done timely and professionally. Steven, our photographer was a great asset on set, in directing our talent and capturing a good variety of photo ops.

Jialin Chia

Very spontaneous and able to get my group of people to relax and pose for the green screen photography. Great job

Erina Lin

They were very professional with excellent service. Very nice and friendly people.

Zhenxiu Tan

Why Choose Our Professional Corporate Photography Services

  • Expertise in Corporate Storytelling

Our photographers are skilled not only in capturing images but also in telling your corporate story visually. We strive to translate your unique narrative into captivating images that help foster a strong connection between you and your audience.

  • Creative Vision and Innovation

Whether it’s experimenting with innovative techniques or scouring unique locations, we aim to think outside the box and bring a fresh perspective to every corporate photoshoot project. You can expect creative solutions that work to set your brand apart from others.

  • Seamless Integration with Digital Platforms

Our professional corporate photography services are designed to seamlessly integrate with your digital platforms, including websites, social media profiles, and online advertising campaigns. From high-resolution images optimised for web viewing to customised photo galleries, we ensure that your digital presence reflects the professionalism of your brand.

  • Consistent Brand Identity

Consistency is key to building a strong brand identity. Our professional corporate photography services help maintain that cohesive look and feel you need to improve brand messaging and brand recall.

Need a professional team to assist with your corporate photo shoot? Book our service now!

Email or speak with our Project Coordinators for more clarity on our services.

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FAQs about Our Corporate Photo Shoot Service

Chances are, many other companies own a similar subscription as well. If every company is sourcing from the same pool of photos for their website, clients may begin to notice this. Having your own corporate photos not only makes you stand out from your competitors, it also allows you the creative freedom to include specific details of your organisation.

Get a Corporate Photo Shoot Quotation

We are ready to work with you on your next photography project. Use the below form to start your partnership with us. Our project managers will respond within 1 working day.

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