CEO announcement video production is an effective way of communication that companies use internally and externally. This video is an alternative to the usual emails and newsletters that CEOs use to make announcements.
Read on to find out for CEO announcement videos are produced and the advantages of using video to make corporate announcements.
What is a CEO Announcement Video
CEO announcement videos are a type of corporate video usually filmed in a formal setting. This video is an integral part of communication for many companies. It consists of the filming and producing of a video of the CEO of a company making an announcement.
Traditionally, CEOs use emails and newsletters to communicate with employees internally and consumers externally. However, in recent years with the advancement of video production, the use of announcement videos have grown to become the norm in many companies.
CEO announcement videos can be directed either to a company’s employees internally or to consumers externally. Read on to find out what the differences are and what types of content are usually covered in CEO announcement videos.
How do Companies use CEO Announcement Videos to Communicate Internally?
CEOs use announcement videos to communicate with their employees effectively. Videos are more engaging compared to emails and enable the CEO to express their emotions to connect with their employees on a more emotional level. Using video could also be a way to emphasise the importance of the announcement.
There are several occasions when a CEO decides to use video instead of email or newsletters. Here are some examples:
- Announcing Employee Promotions or Role Changes: Used to highlight high performing employees who have recently received promotions or role changes.
- Introducing New Employees: Used as an introduction for the newly hired employees of the company. CEOs can help to explain their positions and job scopes to the company.
- Thank You Announcements: Showing gratitude by thanking employees for their hard work and good results. This video could be used by the CEO as a form of encouragement to the company’s employees.
- New Projects Updates: Used to update and explain new projects to the employees and the possible manpower distribution needed for the project.
- Company Updates: Used to update the employees on the current company situation and if there are any changes that are happening. This video can be used effectively to ensure that all employees are on the same page.
- Industry Updates: Used to update the employees on the current industry situation and how it could possibly impact the company. Also effective in ensuring that all employees are on the same page.
- Delivering Bad News: When delivering bad news, videos allow CEOs to express their emotions through video and address the employees personally. This will help to reassure employees especially when the bad news directly affects them.
How do Companies use CEO Announcement Videos to Communicate Externally?
Companies also use CEO announcement videos to communicate externally to their consumers and customers. The use video enables CEOs to put a face to their organisation’s name and engage the audience on a more personal level. Consumers tend to relate better to a brand and company when they are able to picture the creators behind the products.
These videos are usually uploaded on the company’s social media platforms or website. Here are some examples of when CEOs release public announcement videos:
- Introduction Videos: Used as an introduction video from CEOs to consumers. This video helps consumers to put a face to the organisation’s name and be able to receive proper introductions from CEOs themselves.
- Important Announcements: Used to inform consumers on important announcements which could directly affect them. This video can communicate messages effectively and immediately when important messages need to be spread fast and wide.
- Charitable Work Announcements: This announcement video can be used to market and record the events that are held to raise money for charity organisations which the company supports. This is a form of public relations which educates the consumers on how the company is giving back to the community.
- Thank You Announcements: Used to thank and acknowledge consumers and existing customers for their loyalty and support to the brand. This could encourage the consumers even more when they hear from the CEO of the company.
- New Product Launches: Many product launch videos are announced and explained by CEOs themselves. This creates a larger impact when consumers hear from the CEOs themselves about a new product launch.
- Company Updates: Used to update consumers on the company’s latest news and ongoing events. This is to ensure that the consumers are updated and on the same page in terms of the current company affairs.
- Addressing Issues and Complaints: Used to address possible issues that have occured within the company or the brand’s products. Addressing the audience through video assures them that the company is taking responsibility and making the necessary amendments.
How Does CEO Announcement Video Production Work?
CEO announcement videos are usually filmed in a formal setting with a corporate videographer. The video must consist of the CEO addressing the audience, with a properly stated topic and goal for the announcement.
Here are some tips for Public Relations Video Production:
- Create a plan or a script: This is an important step as CEOs should plan out their announcement videos beforehand to ensure that the video has a good flow and portrays a professional image. Planning the purpose, goal and message of the announcement video helps to communicate the messages clearly and more effectively.
- Be authentic to your viewers: Filming and editing announcement videos that are authentic and tell the truth to consumers are very important. CEOs who are transparent with their consumers tend to have a more trustworthy relationship with their consumers.
- Engage a professional to film and edit your videos: Engaging a professional is crucial to a company’s brand image. This enables the CEOs to present themselves in an appropriate and professional way to the consumers and audience.
- Be consistent and update regularly: Creating CEO announcement videos and uploading them on platforms regularly enables a brand’s audience to be on the same page and be informed about on-going matters.
Good Examples of CEO Announcement Videos in Singapore
JurongHealth Campus CEO Memo Video 2023
Director: Jackson Ho | Producer: Ledon Lim | Director of Photography: Melvin Mak | Camera Assistants: Brian Teo, Benjamin Low | Production Assistant: Jaeden Yeo | Sound: Eugene Ng | Editor & Animator: Zoel Heng
In producing this video, our team had these objectives in mind:
- Foster the JHC spirit: Instill pride and a sense of community among JHC staff.
- Express gratitude: Celebrate the hard work and achievements of the staff.
- Showcase teamwork and care: Highlight how JHC staff supports each other and the people they serve.
- Present leaders in a personable way: Create a relaxed and enjoyable video that portrays the leaders in a relatable light.
And we achieved these goals through a series of creative elements, including:
- Engaging interviews: Featuring JHC staff and leaders sharing their stories and experiences.
- Compelling visuals: Showcasing the JHC campus, facilities, and activities.
- Uplifting music and sound design: Creating an emotionally resonant atmosphere.
- Unique touches: Like a hand-drawn animation segment celebrating the JHC’s 15th anniversary.
The final video was well-received by the JHC, meeting all their objectives and exceeding expectations. It helped to boost staff morale, celebrate achievements, and strengthen the JHC community spirit.
SINDA Community Support Package
This is a good example of an announcement video which is addressed to the external audience of an organisation. The captions and visuals of the video are well illustrated, which helps to communicate the messages in the announcement more effectively. A clear call to action was stated at the end of the video which is a form of engagement to the audience.
Rotimatic Onboarding Video with CEO Pranoti
This is another great example of a video CEO announcement video. The video consists of Rotimatic CEO, Pranoti demonstrating the uses and a tutorial of the Rotimatic product. The video was clear and concise, and was split into segments. Announcement videos like these which are hosted by the CEO of the company create a greater impact within the audience and allows viewers to put a face to the organisation’s name.
Engage a Professional to Produce Your CEO Announcement Videos
If you would like to learn more about our corporate videography services, you can watch this video below.

Find out more about corporate video production in our previous article and the ways it can impact your company’s growth.
We hope this article on CEO announcement video production has been insightful for you. If you would like to engage a corporate videographer to produce your videos, you can get in touch with our project coordinators.
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