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Vivid Snaps

Light Painting Photo Booth, Malaysia, Photo Booth, Photography, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

Light Painting Photo Booth Singapore

Firstly, we would like to congratulate the winners of SPH iink Awards 2016! To complement the scale and grandeur of this occasion, Vivid Snaps set up a unique light painting photo booth for the event guests.

The event has been a huge success and a grand visual treat. With an amazing stage backdrop and several light show performances, it was a dazzling night!


How to Fix FTP Transfer Issue on SingTel AzTech DSL8800GR(S) Wireless Router

You may have been here because just like us, you have received a new wireless router from SingTel and transferring files locally on FTP is extremely slow or completely impossible. We made numerous phone calls to SingTel, but they refused to acknowledge this issue. The technician who came down understood our problem but he was not able to convince SingTel to provide any remedy. Fortunately, AzTech technician was able to provide a workaround.



The fix:

Go to ‘’ using your browser (The IP address is different if you have changed it)

Click ‘Advanced Mode’ on the top right corner

Click ‘Advanced Setup’ on the left panel

Click ‘Quality of Service’ on the left panel

Uncheck the box that says ‘Enable QoS’

Now save and reboot your device, and your FTP should work properly


We hope this guide helped you save several hours in troubleshooting. Cheers!

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