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Video Production

Corporate Videography, Event Videography, Singapore, Videography, Vivid Snaps

Best Videographers in Singapore

If you are looking for the best videographers you can find to for Event Videography or Video Production, our team is here to help. In this article, we showcase 3 of the Best Videographers in Singapore. We have gathered their thoughts on their profession and the industry. Learn more about what makes a good videographer, the challenges that they may face, and how they overcome them. As well as some tips and tricks on how to perfect one’s craft in Videography. 

Read on to learn more!

Singapore, Video Production, Vivid Snaps

Video Production Studio Rental Rates in Singapore

Looking to do some indoor video filming, but lacking the location and facilities to do so? A conducive video production studio space would really help in such a situation.  

Here, we have created a concise list of all the professional video production studios in Singapore that are available to you. We also attempt to discover studios only known to professionals in the industry, giving you the most extensive list possible. For studios that do not publish rates online, we advise you to connect with them and seek a quotation for your project. 

Read on to view the list of video production studio rates in Singapore.

Corporate Photography, Video Production, Vivid Snaps

Photo & Video Production Guidelines Singapore (16 May – 13 Jun 2021)

With effect from 16 May 2021, Singapore has moved into Phase 2 – Heighten Alert. However, much of the filming and photography guidelines have remained the same as before.

We have seen many photo and video shoots being postponed and cancelled in view of the new measures. While it hurts our business, we think this is worthy cause to combat the spread of the virus.

This article provides some basic photography and video production social management measure guidelines for quick reference.

Corporate Videography, Live Streaming, Video Production, Videography, Vivid Snaps

Green Screen Video Production

Have you ever wondered about the technical aspects that go into Green Screen video production?

With Singapore going back into Phase 2, there are now more restrictions for physical events. Events like seminars, road shows, exhibitions and trade fairs are now at a halt, which is why many companies are turning towards creating videos to continue reaching out to their consumers and connecting internally with their staff. Green Screen studio filming is one possible solution for your video needs as we try to minimise going outdoors and interacting with others. 

If you’re new to the concept of filming with a green screen, this article covers a few technical aspects involved that!

Corporate Videography, Live Streaming

Corporate Webinar Filming Singapore

There are many reasons you will need a Webinar Filming and video production in Singapore. Our corporate clients worked with us to film and edit corporate Webinar for internal and external use, they are often also purposed for live streaming. In this blog article, we will discuss some of the Webinar use cases we have came across. And perhaps, you will find inspiration for your next Webinar Filming or video production.

Physical events are still not permitted at the time of writing, hence many company events are cancelled. Nonetheless, we can help you to utilise Webinar to continue your corporate communications and outreach.

Corporate Videography, Event Videography, Video Production, Videography, Vivid Snaps

Recommended Video Production Company in Singapore

Vivid Snaps is a media production company founded in 2012, and we have grown from strength to strength. We serve primarily corporate and organisational clients, who make up about 95% of our portfolio. We are happy to have been featured on multiple websites as a prominent media company in Singapore.

In this article, we consolidate websites that we come across to be featuring our video production and media services!

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