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Live Streaming Singapore

Events, Live Streaming, Video Production

Virtual Events and the Possibilities

Virtual events have been the new go-to for companies for the past almost 1 and a half years, with the cancellation of real-life events being one of the most noticeable side effects of Covid-19. The shift from physical to digital solutions is something we’ve had to adapt to across all parts  of our lives. Though virtual events aren’t new, they’ve become more popular than ever in the past few months. 

A virtual event is as its name suggests – the online version of a physical event. Although it  may be impossible to replicate the experience of a physical event, virtual events can still provide a similar experience. In some instances, virtual events can even have advantages  over physical ones. One of the key advantages of virtual events is that it helps to increase your reach to all over the world. It may not always be achievable to bring people together in the same space, especially when your stakeholders are scattered across the world. This is why virtual and hybrid events will probably continue to be popular, even in a post-pandemic world.

Hybrid Events, Live Streaming, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

Virtual & Hybrid Event Management Companies in Singapore

Virtual Event Management Companies, are also known as Virtual Event Organisers in Singapore. And in recent months, you may also come across virtual events being described as Digital Event Management.

As the pandemic continues to plague Singapore, people are advised to stay indoors amidst safe distancing measures. A virtual and hybrid event will have to replace physical events as we fight against the virus. 

These circumstances have forced event management companies to change and adapt. Event management companies leveraged their expertise in physical event management, and pivoted to focus on virtual and hybrid events.

Event management companies understand the objective and flow of your events, always striving to provide your event guests the best possible experience, even virtually.

In this article, we will be compiling a list of virtual and hybrid event management companies in Singapore. We will also feature a short introduction of some prominent event management companies and virtual event organisers. Giving you a good overview of the the professional event services that they offer. 

Read on to learn more

Job, Live Streaming, Videography, Vivid Snaps

Videographer In The Covid-19 World

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many issues and affected livelihoods. People are required to distance themselves from others and stay home to curb the infectious disease from spreading. This brings inconveniences to jobs that require human interactions and being outdoors, one of which is the job of a videographer. 

Being a videographer is a hands-on and onsite profession, being on-location and in studio is where they excel. But when this outdoor experience is taken away, videographers could feel alienated.  

Today, let us explore what it means to be a videographer, as well as what they can be doing in this time of crisis. 

Live Streaming, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

E-commerce Live Streams in Singapore

This article was originally published on July 2020 and updated with new content on May 2021.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, e-commerce live stream has seen a huge boom in popularity as many businesses have had to move online. While China may have been at the forefront of this e-commerce live streaming trend, e-commerce businesses in Singapore and Southeast Asia have also been joining the live streaming trend to boost their sales revenue.

Read on to find out more about how your e-commerce business can benefit from hosting your own e-commerce live stream.

Hybrid Events, Live Streaming, Vivid Snaps

Microsoft Teams Webinar Production in Singapore

There are many online meeting platforms that you can choose from to do your online webinars and livestream productions, with one of the most popular options being Zoom. However, our friends at Microsoft have recently given their online meeting platform, Microsoft Teams, a Webinar update.  

Thus, we put our sights on Microsoft Teams, and analysed whether it is a platform that can be used for professional online seminar productions. Read on to learn more.

Corporate Videography, Live Streaming, Video Production, Videography, Vivid Snaps

Green Screen Studio & Video Production

Green screen video production has become an essential tool for corporate storytelling, allowing businesses to create dynamic, high-quality videos with limitless creative possibilities. Whether you need to simulate an executive news briefing, transport your team to an international stage, or create a virtual environment that aligns with your corporate branding, green screen technology makes it possible.

At our centrally located studio in Kallang Place, we provide a fully-equipped green screen studio along with a professional video production team. We handle everything from pre-production to post-production, ensuring that your vision is brought to life with precision and high production value.

Corporate Videography, Live Streaming

Corporate Webinar Filming Singapore

There are many reasons you will need a Webinar Filming and video production in Singapore. Our corporate clients worked with us to film and edit corporate Webinar for internal and external use, they are often also purposed for live streaming. In this blog article, we will discuss some of the Webinar use cases we have came across. And perhaps, you will find inspiration for your next Webinar Filming or video production.

Physical events are still not permitted at the time of writing, hence many company events are cancelled. Nonetheless, we can help you to utilise Webinar to continue your corporate communications and outreach.

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