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Live Streaming Singapore

Corporate Videography, Lifestyle, Live Streaming, Vivid Snaps

Important Tips For Hosting Cooking & Culinary Live Streams in Singapore

Looking to create cooking & culinary live stream videos amidst the COVID-19 situation? Live streaming your recipe videos is the perfect way to share your recipes online and market your business through your cooking tutorials.

Read on to find out why live streams can increase your engagement and how to organise a quality live stream!

If you are looking for a professional live streaming service provider to host your culinary live stream, our live streaming technical crew is ready to support your live stream production. Drop us a message via the message box today and we will get back to you.

Corporate Videography, Lifestyle, Live Streaming, Videography, Vivid Snaps

3 Ideas for Remote Video Production in COVID-19

Amidst this COVID-19 pandemic, video production is still as important as ever. Videos help to market, sell, engage audiences, provide services and spread awareness. However, currently with social distancing in place, video production has to be done remotely.

Read on to find out ideas for remote video production and unique ways to engage your audience.

Already have an idea for a remote filming production? Drop us a message via the message box at the side of the page today and we can help you get started on your production.

Corporate Videography, Live Streaming, Videography

Remote Video Filming & Production in Singapore

Remote Video Production is a not a completely new idea, it is usually preferred only if a regular video production crew cannot be present at the filming scene. Remote Video Production is also commonly referred to as Virtual Video Filming and Virtual Video Production.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about a lot of changes to how business can be conducted. While many changes were involuntary, they push the boundary of what is possible. Technology adoption has accelerated, giving rise to a more efficient workforce when situation returns back to normal.

Over the past months, our team has came up with creative solutions inspired by our client’s requests. As always, we express our our heartfelt gratitude to clients who have supported us through the years.

Corporate Videography, Event Videography, Live Streaming

Live Webcast For Your AGM in Singapore

With the circuit breaker arrangements in Singapore, AGMs are recommended to be conducted via live webcast. There are multiple new complexities in conducting your company AGM. Our team can work with you to understand the intricacies of your requirements.

In this article, we offer key updates from the SGX press release. This article is non-exhaustive and is provided as a quick reference. You are advised to read the full requirements and checklist published on SGX website. 

Live Streaming, Vivid Snaps

Wedding Live Streams

With the advancement of technology, wedding live streams are slowly becoming the norm. You no longer have to worry about distant relatives/friends being unable to attend, or the cost of trying to book a venue large enough to accommodate all guests.

Before you whip out your phone camera and start recording, there are a few things you must first consider.

If you are looking for a professional wedding live streaming service provider, Vivid Snaps is the company for you. Drop us a message via the message box at the side of the page and we will get back to you.

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