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Event Videography

Event Videography, Events, Videographer Singapore, Videography

Tournage vidéo d’un événement à Singapour

Le tournage de vidéos d’événements à Singapour fait généralement référence à Static ou Enregistrement vidéo itinérant lors d’événements tels que des conférences, des salons professionnels, des concerts et des fêtes d’entreprise. Nous utilisons généralement au moins une ou deux caméras pour capturer l’événement sous différents angles. Les images sont ensuite montées et post-traitées pour créer un produit final qui met en valeur les moments clés et les aspects importants de l’événement.

Le tournage vidéo de l’événement peut être utilisé pour créer du matériel promotionnel, documenter l’événement pour un visionnage ultérieur ou pour diffuser l’événement en direct à un public plus large. Tournage vidéo de l’événement nécessite une planification préalable à l’événement, un équipement approprié et une coordination d’équipe, afin que le produit final puisse capturer l’essence de l’événement et être édité de manière engageante.

Creative Video Production, Event Videography, Events, Videographer Singapore, Videography, Vivid Snaps

Creative Event Video Production

Creative event videos are a great way to capture the memories of your event. You will see them used on social media, in promotional material or even as a digital gift for your guests. There are two types of event videos – live and recorded. Live event videos are created by filming the event as it happens and can be done using a smartphone or professional live streaming equipment & crew. 

Recorded event videos are post-processed after the event has taken place and typically involve editing footage together with music, sound effects and voice overs to create a more polished product. With companies hosting events monthly, creative event videos have become a staple requirement. In this article, we will look at a variety of creative event video production that sets a higher standard amongst the rest. 

Corporate Video Production Singapore, Corporate Videographer Singapore, Corporate Videography, Creative Video Production, Event Videography, Food Videography, Video Production, Video Production Singapore, Videographer Singapore, Videography, Vivid Snaps

Supermarket Video Production

Supermarket video production is a new way of marketing that has been gaining popularity in recent years. The videos are uploaded to the supermarkets’ YouTube channels and Facebook pages. They are usually short, informative, and fun. There are a few benefits to supermarket video production: it is cheaper than traditional marketing methods, it can be more effective because people watch them voluntarily, and it is easy to create content in bulk. 

Event Photography, Event Photography Singapore, Event Videography, Hybrid Event Singapore, Hybrid Events, Live Streaming, Live Streaming Events, Live Streaming Services Singapore, Live Streaming Singapore, Photo Booth, Photography, Singapore

Singapore Zoo Event Photographer & Videographer

Our event photographers and videographers were thrilled to be given the opportunity to capture a corporate event at the Singapore Zoo. Hosting events at this unconventional location will always offer a new and unique experience for your guests in an exotic setting.

Event Photography, Event Photography Singapore, Event Videography, Events, Light Painting Photo Booth, Photography, Vivid Snaps

Event Photographer & Videographer at Level Up Venue

Our event photographers cover corporate events across different venues every year, and one of the venues we frequent is Level Up at River Valley. This venue is suitable for corporate retreat, celebrations and family day with its array of fun activities including arcade machines!

Commercial Photography, Corporate Photography, Corporate Video Production Singapore, Corporate Videographer Singapore, Corporate Videography, Event Photography, Event Videography, Events, Live Streaming, Live Streaming Singapore, Singapore, Video Production, Vivid Snaps

Creative Video Agencies in Singapore

To take a closer look at our creative video industry in Singapore, we have provided a brief overview of the prominent Creative Video Agencies based in Singapore, and the services they can provide for you. We kept the descriptions of the Creative Video Agencies concise to focus on each agency’s selling point and have attached a sample of their work or their showreel so that you can get a glimpse of their visual style and decide which company best suits you.

Corporate Video Production Singapore, Corporate Videographer Singapore, Corporate Videography, Event Photography, Event Videography, Events, Singapore, Video Production, Video Production Singapore, Videographer Singapore, Videography, Vivid Snaps

B2C Video Production Singapore

Business to Consumer (B2C) video production entails planning, generating, and sharing video content aimed primarily toward your consumers. Social media videos, video podcasts, live streams, and other video formats are examples of this. In this article, we will explore some references for B2C Video Production done locally in Singapore.

Event Photography, Event Photography Singapore, Event Videography, Events, Live Streaming, Live Streaming Events, Live Streaming Services Singapore, Live Streaming Singapore, Photo Booth, Photography, Singapore, Videographer Singapore, Videography, Vivid Snaps

The American Club, Event Photography & Videography

Our team of event photographers and videographers are widely deployed around different event venues in Singapore. This article will cover the photography and live streaming services we have delivered at The American Club. And we offer some tips for other vendors who might be accessing the venue for the first time.

Event Photography, Event Videography, Events, Vivid Snaps

TBM Breakthrough Event Photographer & Videographer

Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) Breakthrough Ceremony Event Photography & Videography is one of the special events that we cover for our clients. Our team supports event organisers and corporate clients at corporate events and special events. Read more about our experience and how you can leverage our expertise to deliver good images and videos at your TBM Breakthrough or Groundbreaking event.

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