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Event Photography

Corporate Videography, Event Photography, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

Corporate National Day Video Production in Singapore

While National Day may be about celebrating our nation’s success and tribulation for the past year, this public holiday also presents brands with the opportunity to reach out and engage with your audiences during this national holiday. Many brands and organisations have produced their own corporate national day video as part of their timely marketing strategies. 

Read on to find out more about our picks for the best corporate national day videos in Singapore.

Commercial Photography, Event Photography, Events, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

Building Light Up Photography & Video Production in Singapore

Building light up photography is a niche form of photography which captures a building’s nighttime facade during a building light up event. To capture truly outstanding building light up photographs which can capture the best of the special light up event, you will need to engage an experienced photographer who has mastered the art of nighttime architecture photography.

In this article, we share more reasons why you require a professional corporate photographer to capture the best memories of your building light up event.

Commercial Photography, Corporate Photography, Corporate Videography, Event Photography, Event Videography, Events, Photography, Singapore, Videography, Vivid Snaps

November 2020 Event Highlights

In the blink of an eye, November 2020 has come and gone before us. 

We hope that you have been well so far. 

In the past month, we have been busy working with a diverse range of clients across various industries to offer our live streaming production, videography production and commercial photography services. As more in-person events were allowed to resume, we were also able to resume our event photography and event videography services to cater to our clients’ needs. We are grateful for our clients’ continued support to allow us to expand our portfolio and capabilities during this period.

Read on to find out more about our achievements and highlights during the month of November.

Commercial Photography, Corporate Photography, Corporate Videography, Event Photography, Event Videography, Live Streaming, Photography, Videography, Vivid Snaps

Pro-bono Video Production Singapore 2020

(This post was originally published in May 2020 and has been updated in Nov 2020 with our more recent works.)

It has been almost 7 months since Singapore started the circuit breaker to combat the spread of COVID-19. Our government has offered many support schemes to cushion the impact on businesses and Singaporeans alike.

While our business was severely impacted when covid started, we were very thankful to a handful of clients who could afford to support our services during this period. To express our gratitude, we offered our services for 3 non-profit organisations to produce pro-bono works as a form of giving back to the community.

Event Photography, Events, Photography, Vivid Snaps

6 Tips for Hiring an Event Photographer

Since more events being allowed to resume in Phase 2, we highly recommend hiring an event photographer to capture the main highlights of your event. With these professional event highlight photos, you can remarket your event to an even wider audience on your social media platforms.

Here are 6 areas that you should consider before working with a professional event photography service provider for your next event.

Commercial Photography, Corporate Photography, Corporate Videography, Event Photography, Event Videography, Events, Photography, Singapore, Videography, Vivid Snaps

Hybrid Events Live Streaming in Singapore

With the government repurposing major event venues like Marina Bay Sands and Singapore Expo into hybrid event studios, hybrid events will most likely be the new norm for the events industry.

In fact, hybrid events might even become more popular than fully virtual events as participants may still want to experience the event physically. Hybrid events are definitely the way to go for the events industry during this Covid-19 pandemic. 

Read on to find out more about hybrid events and why they are an even better alternative than virtual events.

Commercial Photography, Corporate Photography, Corporate Videography, Event Photography, Event Videography, Events, Instant Photo Booth, Photo Booth, Photography, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

Phase 3 Event Services Singapore

With Phase 3 approaching in near future, the government has updated the restrictions, rules and regulations that we have to abide for the new normal.

To allow more activities to resume safely, the Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MMTF) is piloting the use of pre-event testing for larger-scale and higher-risk activities.

Read on to find out more about Phase 3 event services that will be available.

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