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Corporate Videographer Singapore

Corporate Video Production Singapore, Corporate Videographer Singapore, Corporate Videography, Video Production, Video Production Singapore, Videographer Singapore, Videography, Vivid Snaps

CEO Announcement Video Production

CEO announcement video production is an effective way of communication that companies use internally and externally. This video is an alternative to the usual emails and newsletters that CEOs use to make announcements.

Read on to find out for CEO announcement videos are produced and the advantages of using video to make corporate announcements.

Corporate Video Production Singapore, Corporate Videographer Singapore, Corporate Videography, Video Production, Video Production Singapore, Videographer Singapore, Videography, Vivid Snaps

Testimonial Video Filming & Production in Singapore

Customer testimonial video production is an important passive persuasion tool which can be used as part of a company’s marketing strategy. Consumer trust can be built when a company’s products and services are socially testified in customer reviews by unbiased sources.

Read on to find out more about customer testimonial video production and some ideas you can take away for your marketing.

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