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Corporate Photography

Commercial Photography, Corporate Photography, Corporate Portrait, Photography, Vivid Snaps

6 Powerful Poses for Your Corporate Headshot

Finding a powerful pose for your corporate photography headshot can be difficult. A common issue people seem to have is appearing too “stiff” in pictures, which may translate into nervousness or lack of confidence. Apart from looking neat, body language is also a factor that can affect the overall look of your photo.

There are many elements that go into attaining a great corporate headshot, but there are few you can actually control. Thankfully, body language is one of them. What types of poses are too casual, and what actually makes you look more confident and professional? Read on to find out.

Commercial Photography, Corporate Photography, Corporate Portrait, Photography, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

Corporate Headshot Photography Singapore

Our corporate headshot photography supports your business communications. In the era of digital communication, a professional portrait photo will help clients put a face to your name. Making text communication more personable.

If you would like to engage a professional headshot photographer, drop us a message via the message box at the side of the page today!

Corporate Videography, Event Videography, Food Videography, Interior Photography, Videography, Vivid Snaps

Types of Event Videos You Need For Your Business

Event videography helps you bring across an idea or message effortlessly and effectively. However, with so many different types of event videos out there, you have got to find one that suits your needs.

To help you, we have compiled a list of the different types of event videos you can consider for your next event!

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