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Corporate Photography

Corporate Photography, Photography, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

Corporate Individual Group Photo

What is a corporate individual group photo? Doesn’t it sound like a paradox?

The pandemic situation in 2020 has gotten us to rethink about many conventional photography processes. With safe distancing measures in place, even small gatherings can be difficult.

As such, we can compose a corporate group photo for you by combining individual professionally taken and edited images.

Commercial Photography, Interior Photography, Photography, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

Corporate & Office Interior Photographer

When taking interior photos of your commercial spaces, it is best that you engage a professional interior photographer who can bring the best out of your space. 

For example, a professional is able to frame the shot and capture your commercial space from an angle that showcases the best aspects of your space. A non-professional might not have enough experience to produce such high quality shots.

Read on to find out more about hiring a professional interior photographer for your commercial spaces.

Commercial Photography, Corporate Photography, Photography, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

Interior Photography For Coworking Space

Interior photography is a great way to showcase offices and coworking spaces to potential freelancers and small business owners looking for a new place to work.

With more people slowly allowed to return to the office to work, now is the best time to take interior shots of your coworking space and market your space to potential customers. 

Read on to find out more about interior photography for coworking spaces.

Commercial Photography, Corporate Photography, Corporate Videography, Event Photography, Event Videography, Events, Instant Photo Booth, Photo Booth, Photography, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

Phase 3 Event Services Singapore

With Phase 3 approaching in near future, the government has updated the restrictions, rules and regulations that we have to abide for the new normal.

To allow more activities to resume safely, the Multi-Ministry Taskforce (MMTF) is piloting the use of pre-event testing for larger-scale and higher-risk activities.

Read on to find out more about Phase 3 event services that will be available.

Corporate Photography, Event Photography, Event Videography, Photo Booth, Photography

Types of Photo Booths Ideas You Can Find in Singapore

Featuring all types of photo booths you can find in Singapore. Photo booths are essential when it comes to any type of event. You may be spoilt for choice when it comes to choosing the most suitable type of photo booth for your next event.

Read on to find out all the types of photo booths in Singapore and which is perfect for the event you are planning!

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