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Corporate Videography, Event Videography, Food Videography, Interior Photography, Videography, Vivid Snaps

Types of Event Videos You Need For Your Business

Event videography helps you bring across an idea or message effortlessly and effectively. However, with so many different types of event videos out there, you have got to find one that suits your needs.

To help you, we have compiled a list of the different types of event videos you can consider for your next event!

Instant Photo Booth, Photo Booth, Tech, Vivid Snaps

WWF Earth Hour Photo Booth

Did you know that at the rate we are living the earth will soon be inhabitable because of us? Temperatures are breaking records around the world. Arctic sea ice and glaciers are melting, Sea levels are rising at their fastest rate in 2,000 years and two-thirds of the great barrier reef has been damaged as a result of climate change. We are so glad to be able to play a part in promoting water conservation at the ripples booth through our instant photo booth that many enjoyed during the event!

Instagram Print, Instant Photo Booth, Light Painting Photo Booth, Photo Booth, Photography, Vivid Snaps

A Guide to Posing at Photo Booths Without Props

3…2…1… Smile! Photo booths are really fun but really stressful at the same time! You’ve only got 3 shots and you want it to look perfect so choosing the right pose can get pretty stressful at times. We feel your struggles so we’ve compiled a list of poses for you to do at your next photo booth!

Instagram Print, Instant Photo Booth, Light Painting Photo Booth, Photo Booth, Photography, Singapore, Vivid Snaps

Why You Need a Photo Booth at Your Next Event

One thing you should get for any event is a photo booth. This applies regardless of whether you are planning a wedding, a company dinner or a community event. It is simple, exciting and customisable at the same time. Photo Booths are suitable for people of all ages!

Read on to find out why having a photo booth at your next event would be a good idea!

Photo Booth
Corporate Videography, Event Videography, Live Streaming, Tech, Videography

Professional Video Live Stream For Social Media

Video Live Stream Service

As you may have already noticed, video live stream is steadily taking over the attention of social media audiences. Consumers are now spoiled with real-time updates that make news articles the equivalent of snail-mail in today’s terms. Clicking in to live stream notifications will become part and parcel of people’s lives. Before you dismiss this idea thinking that live stream does not apply to your industry, think again. Live stream will become the next Instagram feed and Facebook timeline. People will be scrolling through live stream channels like how they scroll through social media feeds, tapping in to watch what interests them.

Now is the time to jump into this opportunity and embark on the new technology before your competitors do.

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