Event videographer pricing and rates will vary depending on their experience as well as the service and coverage you require at your event. We leverage the experience of our project coordinators and videographers to share the nitty gritty about engaging an event videographer for your event.
Most event videographers take great pride in delivering the best works for their clients. Hence, the rates they charge are usually a reflection of their experience, portfolio works and what they are ready to cover for you.
Professional Event Videographers
There are very distinct differences in the shooting style of a professional event videographer and a professional wedding videographer. Most professional videographers will focus on either of the market segment and not both.
Our event videographers are experienced with corporate events, corporate clients make up about 95% of our portfolio works every year. This focus is important because, our videographers can then leverage their familiarity to deliver the best experience for you.
Roving Event Videographer
One of the most common videography services you will require at your events is the roving event videographer. Most event videographers will use a mirrorless camera such as Sony A7 series. This camera is small and lightweight, nimble enough to navigate a usually crowded event space.
Most professional event videographers today use a handheld electronic stabiliser to deliver smooth motion for your event videos.
When engaging an event videographer, filming and editing fees are usually charged separately.

Live Feed Videographer
A live feed videographer takes his video signal and project it to a local projector screen or LCD wall. This is usually done via a long distance SDI cable, HDMI cable or wireless video transmitter.
Our wireless roving live feed videographer can transmit approx. 100-200 meters. This is usually sufficient for a hotel ballroom. Not all videographers own a wireless video transmitter, so expect to be charged additional rental fees when wireless live feed is required.
Live feed videographer is also commonly called IMAG videographer, which stands for Image MAGnification. They will take a video feed and cast unto a much larger screen.
A live feed videographer is usually engaged for large event venues where guests may not be able to view the stage from their seats. And events that are split across multiple spaces. For instance an office building opening.
Live feed videographer can be engaged independently or as a team. It is common for AV company to include live feed videographer as part of their live production services. As the video feed goes into their location vision mixer.
Cable laying is still the most common transmission method at events. The cable laying can be done by the AV company or the videographer. It usually comes with an additional cost.
Live Stream Videographer
Not to be confused with live feed, a live stream videographer is more commonly just called a camera operator. While live feed videographer projects his video signal onto a local projector screen, live streaming is the process of webcast a live production to an Internet audience.
A live stream videographer does not work alone. A camera operator works with a crew consisting of an audio engineer, vision mixer operator, and usually multiple other camera operators. His camera signal is fed into a vision mixer, which is then processed and streaming unto a live streaming platform.
Because a camera operator does not work alone, they are usually engaged by the client as part of a live streaming project. They will charge an hourly or day rate to the live streaming production company.

Concert, Performance & Stage Recording Videographer
Common known as a static videographer in Singapore, they use a broadcast camcorder capable of long duration recording. A static videographer may work alone or with a few other camera operators with their respective cameras and camera angles.
The final delivery of a static videographer’s recording is trimmed but not heavily edited. It is intended to showcase a concert or performance in its entirety. Therefore, it is common that a static videographer includes editing fee in their engagement rate.
A static live feed videographer may charge for editing separately if you require your final video edits to include an intro animation, graphics or custom overlays.
Event Interview Filming

We commonly encounter the misconception that filming an interview is simply pointing the camera at the subject. But this will result in horrible video & audio quality.
When interview is required, you will need to inform your event videographer when requesting his service. There are a few things the event videographer will need to know and prepare.
- How many interview subjects?
- If clip-on lapel mic is required, each subject will require one. A high-quality wireless mic costs as much as a camera, so it is likely that this comes with an additional fee.
- Alternatively, your interview might call for a handheld mic, which can then be shared amongst the multiple interviewees.
- When do you plan to do the interview?
- Will the interview be done during a break time or after your event is over? Setting up lighting and mic needs time, usually about 10-20mins.
- Where do you plan to do the interview?
- This is not a problem if your venue has ample space. Otherwise, the event videographer will have to arrive earlier to identify a suitable spot.
- Are the interview questionnaire prepared?
- The most critical part of your interview, but can sometimes be overlooked. So remember to prepare your questions!
- Do you have an interviewer?
- We like to advice our client to stay with us during the interview process to vet the answers from your interviewees.
It is quite likely that an assistant from the event videographer is required to facilitate the interview process. The assistant helps to prepare the lighting and audio equipment. Don’t try to save on this! The last thing you want is for the audio to be sub-par, or missing out an important clip. It is not easy for a videographer to be monitoring the composition, directing your interviewee and monitoring the audio at the same time.
Event Video Highlight Editing
After your event video filming is done, all that is left with is for your videos to be edited. For freelance videographers, they may edit the video themselves or work with a close contact to edit the videos professionally.
At Vivid Snaps and most other video production companies, we have a dedicated video editing team. With any good video production houses, the video editors are always busy. Hence, the first cut of your video is expected to take approx. 5-7 working days. If a timeline is shorter, a rushed fee should be expected.
Any rushed event video highlight editing should be communicated as early as possible to avoid any interruption to the final delivery date.
Event video highlight editing usually comes at a fixed rate, but the fees can vary if you have special requests. Such as motion graphics, overlay, transitions, music or effects.
How Much Do Event Videographers Charge?
An event videographer will charge you S$150-S$300 per hour of service. There is usually a minimum engagement hour or minimum engagement cost. On-site extension of service usually costs more, and subject to the availability of your event videographer.
On-site extension is not common for corporate events. Dinner & Dance tend to overrun more frequently. But an event videographer is not always required beyond your main programme timing. Hence, you can end their services at designated time to avoid on-site extension fees.
How Much Does Event Video Highlight Costs?
On top of the cost of event video filming, your event videographer will usually charge for the editing separately, and you should be expecting a cost between S$800-S$1,800. The cost varies depending on your event duration and final video requirements.
Event Video Production Team in Singapore

The Vivid Snaps team consists of videographers, video editors, photographers, graphic designer and project coordinators. We work tirelessly to deliver good works for you.
Request Our Event Videography Portfolio
Ready to work with one of the best event videography teams in Singapore? Request our event video portfolio using the contact form on the right. We are happy to show you our works.